Saturday, January 16, 2010

Soul Mate

My dawn starts hoping our meeting

Heart knows you but not knows where you can be found

Sun sees my conscientious search of you

And my strange request him not to disappear before our union

He says the spark of love is so bright, brighter than him

I have been living with the hope of meeting you

Though it interrupts my search when the world’s consciousness gets suspended

But I never let my search to die

My quest lives in the house of peace and tranquility

Expectations believe in utmost possibility

For years I have never been in dreamless slumber

With boundless imagination, I dream of you, I dream with you

Diurnal rhythms of love give me courage

I have heard of you from not known divine forces

It says our thoughts are alike, the dreams are alike

The source of my happiness is thoughts of yours "

I have faith on the divine forces of love.

The quest will end one day

Spaces will be reduced and you will come to visibility

I am thrilled with the thought of our union

The soul of mine is waiting for its mate

Omens are saying you have started your journey

I could see shadow of yours

Get transformed from the shadow, give a face to my imagination

Appear before me before I close my eyes

The law of universe wants us together

Wants us to be lost in the heavenly embrace to eternity

I Hope you are listening my soul mate